Maine Striper Fishing Reports
2019 Maine Striper Fishing Reports and Charters| Coastal Fly Angler and Capt.Eric Wallace
Friday, May 10, 2019
Maine Striper Reports May 10 th 2019
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Maine Saltwater fishing reports 2019
Click on the movie below for a short trailer 4 min trailer, Striper fishing on the Eastern US Coast has never been so completely captured to this level!! Full movie is over two and half hours long, The crew a Coastal Fly Angler are proud to be a part of this project hope you check it out...... Check Back as we move into Spring Striper Fishing along the NE coast.....
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Maine Striper Fishing Reports
June 23 -2018
Portland area -Casco Bay Fishing Report
Welcome Summer to Maine!!!! if the past week or so of available nice size fish on the flats is a inducator of the direction this season is going, -I’m stoked!!!
The returning schoolies as a whole have a bit more size then the last couple of season as expected, what's really is nice is the large amount of 30 plus inch fish on the flats- that are more than willing to eat flies or soft plastics, this is just fun good fishing we are having!!! There is a lot of bait around the bay and the bass have spread out past just being near the major river systems, fishing the tide is key, both incomer and dropping are fishing well---- Sight Fishing has been very solid and when tide and sun match up it's just outstanding !!!! We boated the fish in the above photo at high noon in less than 2 ft of water, get in touch if you are needing more info or looking to get out and enjoy some very good fishing….. Capt Eric Wallace - Coastal Fly Angler - 207-671-4330
Portland area -Casco Bay Fishing Report
Welcome Summer to Maine!!!! if the past week or so of available nice size fish on the flats is a inducator of the direction this season is going, -I’m stoked!!!
The returning schoolies as a whole have a bit more size then the last couple of season as expected, what's really is nice is the large amount of 30 plus inch fish on the flats- that are more than willing to eat flies or soft plastics, this is just fun good fishing we are having!!! There is a lot of bait around the bay and the bass have spread out past just being near the major river systems, fishing the tide is key, both incomer and dropping are fishing well---- Sight Fishing has been very solid and when tide and sun match up it's just outstanding !!!! We boated the fish in the above photo at high noon in less than 2 ft of water, get in touch if you are needing more info or looking to get out and enjoy some very good fishing….. Capt Eric Wallace - Coastal Fly Angler - 207-671-4330
Friday, June 8, 2018
Maine Striper Fishing Casco Bay
Maine Striper Season 2018
Quick Report: Maine Striper Fishing Portland area.
Just getting back from the Keys after what was one of the wettest Mays on record, the fishing in late April was off the charts good and was this past week once the sun came out so we could see what the heck was swimming around us.After a couple long days and a late night drive towing the skiff, the fly lines have been changed to cool water the Tarpon boxes put away and striper gear is ready to roll,
Casco Bay
I was able to get out a scout a few mornings and happy to report found fish at every stop on Casco Bay and saw very few anglers fish size was all over the place from little schoolies to largest that we landed was just under 30, Look to the weather to continue to warm and more bait and bass to fill in the area fishery. More report coming after the weekend...
Casco Bay
I was able to get out a scout a few mornings and happy to report found fish at every stop on Casco Bay and saw very few anglers fish size was all over the place from little schoolies to largest that we landed was just under 30, Look to the weather to continue to warm and more bait and bass to fill in the area fishery. More report coming after the weekend...
As always feel free to reach out for a update and quick text works best. 207-671-4330
Capt. Eric Wallace
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Welcome to the 2018 Maine Striper Fishing Reports Page
It is unlawful to fish for, take or possess striped bass in
Federal waters (waters greater than 3 miles from shore).
OPEN SEASON January 1 through December 31, inclusive (except the Kennebec watershed, see below).
BAG & SIZE LIMITS A person may take and possess 1 fish per day. The fish must be 28 inches or greater in total length. “TOTAL LENGTH” Total length is a straight line measurement from the lower jaw to the tip of the tail with the tail pinched together. DISPOSITION Personal use only, sale is prohibited. Fish must remain whole and intact.
• Hook and line only, no gaffing of striped bass.
• No bait allowed when using treble hooks.
• It is unlawful to use multiple (more than two) barbed or barbless treble hooks on any
artificial lure or fly while fishing for striped bass in territorial waters.
• It is unlawful to use any hook other than a non-offset circle hook when using bait.
Exception: Rubber or latex tube lures may be used without a circle hook as long as they are a minimum of 8 inches long and have a single hook protruding from
the end portion of the tubing where bait may be attached.
ILLEGAL LEGAL Total Length 28
• No bait allowed when using treble hooks.
• It is unlawful to use multiple (more than two) barbed or barbless treble hooks on any
artificial lure or fly while fishing for striped bass in territorial waters.
• It is unlawful to use any hook other than a non-offset circle hook when using bait.
Exception: Rubber or latex tube lures may be used without a circle hook as long as they are a minimum of 8 inches long and have a single hook protruding from
the end portion of the tubing where bait may be attached.
ILLEGAL LEGAL Total Length 28
(including the Sheepscot and Androscoggin Rivers and all related bays and tributaries)
CATCH & RELEASE SEASON WITH SPECIAL GEAR RESTRICTIONS From May 1 through June 30, inclusive. Fishing in this area is restricted to single hooked* artificial lures only and use of or possession of marine alive, is prohibited.
(including the Sheepscot and Androscoggin Rivers and all related bays and tributaries)
CATCH & RELEASE SEASON WITH SPECIAL GEAR RESTRICTIONS From May 1 through June 30, inclusive. Fishing in this area is restricted to single hooked* artificial lures only and use of or possession of marine alive, is prohibited.
OPENSEASON July1throughNovember30,inclusive.
CLOSEDSEASON StripedbassfishingisprohibitedfromDecember1through April 30, inclusive.
(* may be a single treble hook)
** The Kennebec watershed is defined as all coastal waters inside and upstream of a line drawn from the outer extremity of Cape Small, in Phippsburg, to the outer extremity of Salter Island, thence to the outer extremity of Cape Newagen, in Southport. This area includes the coastal waters of Popham Beach and the adjoining State Park, Reid State Park, and all riverine waters of the Kennebec, Sheepscot, and Androscoggin Rivers including all bays and tributaries of those rivers to the head of tide. Due to the removal of Edwards dam, the “head of tide” in the Kennebec River is now at the downstream side of the power line located approximately 4,200 feet upstream of the Calumet Bridge at Old Fort Western in Augusta (formerly the Father Curran Bridge) for enforcement purposes.
Marine Resources Laboratory
PO Box 8, West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575-0008 Telephone (207) 633-9500
Fax (207) 633-9579
CLOSEDSEASON StripedbassfishingisprohibitedfromDecember1through April 30, inclusive.
(* may be a single treble hook)
** The Kennebec watershed is defined as all coastal waters inside and upstream of a line drawn from the outer extremity of Cape Small, in Phippsburg, to the outer extremity of Salter Island, thence to the outer extremity of Cape Newagen, in Southport. This area includes the coastal waters of Popham Beach and the adjoining State Park, Reid State Park, and all riverine waters of the Kennebec, Sheepscot, and Androscoggin Rivers including all bays and tributaries of those rivers to the head of tide. Due to the removal of Edwards dam, the “head of tide” in the Kennebec River is now at the downstream side of the power line located approximately 4,200 feet upstream of the Calumet Bridge at Old Fort Western in Augusta (formerly the Father Curran Bridge) for enforcement purposes.
Marine Resources Laboratory
PO Box 8, West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575-0008 Telephone (207) 633-9500
Fax (207) 633-9579
Friday, June 9, 2017
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Maine Striper Fishing Reports 2017
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Welcome 2017 Fishing season.
Hope everyone has had a good winter and spring can move forward into the North East any day now!!! or you could come to spring and fish the Tarpon season in the lower keys. As far as fishing reports go, I will post early season striper reports from the Cape Cod to Portland, once things get going for the 2017 season, I will be in the Keys into June and If you are looking to fish down here drop a email or give a call...

A new sniper addition is the WF10 'custom cut' line - a level 35 foot head of 14 grains per foot going into an intermediate running line.
Five years in the making!!!!!!!
The film is a multi-year road trip to intercept the Striped Bass migration from The remote beaches of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia through New Jersey's famed shore, to Rhode Island, night hunting in New York City, & a day on the flats in The Hamptons, to the rocky surf of Montauk, the sparkling islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket off of Massachusetts & up to the white sand flats of Maine. 3 parts: DVD, Spring, Summer and Fall The DVD follows the migration from Virginia to Maine in all conditions. Special features with new content including: inside surf guru Bill Wetzel's surf bag, Bob Popovics on-site beach tie of his famous hollow fly, Paul Dixon tying an epoxy fly for the flats, behind the scenes with world record holder Greg Myerson and friends, plus a memorable marina poem after the blitz with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters. The film about the Striped Bass migration begins in The Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and follows the fish and the anglers who love them through New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York City, and The Hamptons, Montauk, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts and up to Maine. Conventional World Record Holder Greg Myerson makes the
boat shake with both his enthusiasm and his fish catches. His innovations are changing the sport. Along the way we fish from beaches and chase stripers in shallow water and blitzes with fly rods as well in moments that make your heart race.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Maine Striper Fishing Reports June/July 2016
Lots of Bait Lots of Striped Bass all good!!!
After Tarpon season in the Keys, its fun to come back to some easy fishing, but first off I will need to say sorry for lack of reports, rolled into town after the drive back from the keys with the flat skiff in tow and turned around and was on the water 36 hrs later. I will tell you there are lots of little fish really spread out almost the entire bay and most of Maine's better waters are holding a mix of fish from 10-40 inches and Casco Bay has seems to see a good push of fresh fish every few tides. lots of bait working there way into the river systems, the flats are working well, as long as you find the water temps you should be finding some snappy bigger fish. the outer island water temps are still off. More soon and give or text call to book a tide or just a updated report . Capt Eric Wallace 207-671-4330
After Tarpon season in the Keys, its fun to come back to some easy fishing, but first off I will need to say sorry for lack of reports, rolled into town after the drive back from the keys with the flat skiff in tow and turned around and was on the water 36 hrs later. I will tell you there are lots of little fish really spread out almost the entire bay and most of Maine's better waters are holding a mix of fish from 10-40 inches and Casco Bay has seems to see a good push of fresh fish every few tides. lots of bait working there way into the river systems, the flats are working well, as long as you find the water temps you should be finding some snappy bigger fish. the outer island water temps are still off. More soon and give or text call to book a tide or just a updated report . Capt Eric Wallace 207-671-4330
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Maine Striper Fishing Reports and Guides
No -not a Striper, Its Tarpon Season in the lower Keys and I will be adding in some reports for the Keys as well... If you are interest in Fishing down here feel free to contact me.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Early Season Updates and Fly Pattern, Maine Striper Fishing

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Maine Striper Reports May 10 th 2019
And just like that,,,, They are here, not in number and still spotty but the baits and small schoolies are starting to show, check back ...

Stripers on Crab Patterns,Tidal Ravine Carp in less then a foot of water and a Big Blue Fish on a Casco Bay mud flat, A NEW KIND OF SKINNY W...
Click on the movie below for a short trailer 4 min trailer, Striper fishing on the Eastern US Coast has never been so completely ca...